Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

Instructions and login Info was sent to your email you used to make the order. if you don’t see it please check spam folder, if there is nothing there please send us an email using the form to the right. Please use the name and email you used to make the order that way we can quickly find your order and send you that info.

This depends on the product ordered.  We get our jewelry from trusted artisans around the globe so some jewelry items can take 2-3 weeks to arrive at your door. We’re trying real hard to bring everything to our warehouses in the U.S. so that you get  your item ASAP. if you have any question we’re happy to help just contact us through out “Contact Us” page.

This depends on the product ordered, the total weight, and where we’re shipping to. Our standard US shipping cost is $4.95 unless you order a large amount of weight. We do Offer Free Shipping most of the time.

When you order multiple items at a time, they may be shipped separately. You may receive one item before the next for faster shipping times. So don’t panic if you don’t receive all of your items at once…they are on the way.

Contact us as soon as possible at and we might be able to adjust your order. Unfortunately we can’t make changes if an order has been shipped already.

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